Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 24, Exam and update

It has been a rough 2 months from the surgery, but I think I am turning the corner.

I had a full exam today, which no longer phase me. My surgeon was pleased with the internally healing and assured me it takes time. He is more confident with every visit that I will return to an easier time. He also assures me it will never be normal like it was before. I will be happy with controllable.

My biggest concerns have been my fatigue and weight loss. I have lost 12 lbs in the last 6 weeks. I think I now weigh the same as my junior year of high school. The good news is that we are going to change up some medications, go off the anti-biotic, and get tested for a number of possibilities. I am feeling better every day and it seems I am having more good days than bad. I am confident time and some more testing will heal and I can start to get back to my old self. All my life I have never been so tired and with out energy. It has been a real awakening for me. I now walk half the distance I use to run and come back short of breath.

On the positive side, I had a great Father's Day and I was able to sit through Ryan's graduation. (2 hours of sitting in one place) Ryan's graduation was very emotional for me. He worked so hard and struggled with so much, I was very proud. I know there are some very special moments in everyone's life and I am learning to appreciate those more and more and this was one of those moments.

I am hoping for a restful summer. I have continued to work as much as my body will tolerate. I am not upto travelling yet, but I am hoping to take a vacation in late July to Portland and flying Ryan off to Colorado College in August.

In the meantime I am working on my recovery and more thankful than ever of the all the support and love everyone has shown.
