Sunday, October 26, 2008

October 26 Back into it

Tomorrows I go in for my 5th of 8 treatments. I think when I finish on Wednesday with the infusion it will be a real boost. I was much more tired this round, apparently due to my hemoglobin dropping significantly. If it continues to drop they can give me a shot and blood transfusion if necessary.

My weight still bothers me. I dropped as low as 141 but I have been maintaining 142-143. It is a little frustrating because I am not hungry, I force myself to eat and I can not gain weight. The good news is that most of you forgot how I use to look and tell me how good I look. My wife seems to be a little more honest. She actually went out and bought me some new blue jeans, my old ones were looking more like a pajama fit. I think she may have been in the boys department for a 31 slim fit jean, but they do look and feel better.

I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I see the oncologist this week and the surgeon next week. I read a wonderful book "the Anatomy of Hope" which inspired me as well and I know having the positive attitude and knowing about the prayers and people thinking about me has really helped carry me through this so far.

I will post with the happy news when I finish this next round.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

October 16 half way down

I finished my fourth infusion of 8 total yesterday.

So far so good. My blood counts are dropping but not enough to worry about, so hopefully I will stay on schedule and finish before Christmas.

The infusions are mostly taking a toll on my energy level. I still walk the dogs daily and I have been working, mostly from home but making it into the office once or twice a week on my off week. The other issue is the weight loss, but there is little I can do about that.

Aaron comes home for fall break this weekend so it will be a welcome distraction for the whole family. Jason also has a soccer tournament in San Bernadino. Hopefully I will recover quicker this time and enjoy the weekend. I just have to keep up with my naps.

There is really not much more to report. According to the nurses the exhaustion will only get worse over the next sessions but I do feel better getting past the half way mark. I seem to be managing all the other side effects with a lot of different medications.

Thank you again for all the support, I will try to update when I have a little more energy and feeling better.
