Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 28th 2 rough months

Rough month. Right now I have been going through a rough time. Everything I read about this surgery said that it would be a rough 2 months of recovery and so far it has been. I have had some good days, which give me hope for a full recovery; but then there are time like the last 48 hours where if I can get away from the bathroom for more that a couple of hours it is a celebration.

My surgeon does not seem to concerned and just tells me to be patience, something I have never really mastered.

The more I go through the more I am thankful for what I do have. Health is something I have always taken for granted. No more. Everyday now I look forward to small steps forward, knowing there are going to be rough days as well. My empathy for people with chronic health problems has also grown as well as my distaste for people who purposely destroy their health.

My oncologist said every teenager should spend a day in an infusion room. It would be a great learning experience and greatly reduce smoking.

I will try to post again as I feel better and have a better game plan for going forward.

Thank you again for all the thoughts, prayers and good wishes.


Friday, May 1, 2009

May1 trying to get home

The next time we are debating the merits of knowing the future, I will definitely come up on the side of not knowing. This latest simple re attachment operation has turned out to be as difficult at everything else in this battle. I actually am not sure I would have put myself through everything if I would have known the whole story. Hopefully, I will recover faster from this since I am not going through chemo and my body should bounce back. I will no longer take any abdominal surgery lightly at all.

On the bright side, my surgeon was pleases with his work and he thinks I am on my way to recovery. I understand why it is a 6-8 week recovery process. I now am looking forward to feeling better for the 4th of July and home with the boys for the summer. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel for look forward to.

I am glad that I waited to do this procedure until after my birthday, but I am looking forward to celebrating being done with all the procedures and back to a normal, or as my doctor says as normal as it is going to be, life.

I know all your prayers and support are helping and will continue to help me get through this latest hurdle. Hopefully the next time I blog I will be a little more upbeat and have better news about my recovery.